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Welcome to Penny’s Arcade!

Penny’s Arcade is a surprising collection of Photos, Videos, Stories, Essays, and Projects Penny’s Arcade (pennysarcade.com) is still under construction, but here are some things you’ll see as we edit them onto the website: Penny photos: Penny is a twelve year old Purely Bred Arizona Copperhound, (I’ll explain her breeding, […]

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Welcome to Penny’s Arcade

We are still under construction, but soon will be posting into this website on a regular basis. Penny’s Arcade is finally coming alive!

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Meet Penny’s Arcade

Penny is a Purely-Bred Arizona Copperhound. She is the perfect combination of an assertive Chow, and a goofy Lab.

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Ansel Adams “Illusion of Light”

Ansel Adams was a renowned photographer who believed that the essence of photography was capturing the “illusion of light” in a two-dimensional medium. He was particularly interested in black-and-white photography and believed that the tonal range of an image was just as important as its subject matter. Adams believed that […]